Sunday, June 15, 2014

Week In Review

Hey hey hey! Happy Father's Day! I just got back from taking my father out for a steak dinner and it was yum-tastic! We all know how much I love food.

Also, I might actually do a post or two this week that aren't a weekly review! What the fudge!? Does that actually happen?

On to the weekly review!

Sunday: Rest Day

Monday: Unexpected Rest Day (headache :()

Tuesday: 1 mile treadmill with Samatha plus half of the 30 minute circuit

Wednesday: I built a house!

Thursday: Rest Day (cause building a house is hard)

Friday: Rest Day

Saturday: Swim Party!

Only one day of running. But I built a house! That's kind of a big deal! Habijax was doing their annual Blitz where they build 25 houses in a week and I helped! Our company is pretty big on community relations so they let about 30 people go and help out. We did siding, and not to sound to egotistical, but we were awesome! Our HR guy was on our team and had to tell me and my friend K. Ward to play nice with each other and we had to explain to him that snarking at each other is how we love.

And yesterday was swim party at Pattserella's house! For about 3 hours, too. The first swim session of the summer! And I found out an interesting tidbit: her boyfriend Frankfurt is considering doing the Goofy Challenge which would be legit awesome! He needs some virtual encouragement! Do it Frankfurt! DO IT!!!

Also, I watched Star Trek: Into Darkness 3 times in the past week. Just thought you should know.

What did you do for Father's Day?

Have you ever participated in Habitat for Humanity?

Tell Frankfurt he should do the Goofy Challenge!


  1. Nice job building a house!! I did Habitat for Humanity a couple times in college. Hard work, and very rewarding!

    Frankfurt should totally do the Goofy Challenge! Though isn't it sold out for 2015? Is he looking to go in with a charity team or do it in 2016?

    1. Goofy is actually only 72% full! I was shocked when he told me that!
