Monday, May 19, 2014

Motivation Monday

Happy Monday! I did a LOT of pining on Pinterest and I found this gem to motivate myself:

If the Rhino can hit the treadmill to become a magical Unicorn then I can hit the treadmill to become a magical Sarah.

Also, I have been dangling a carrot in front of my face for the last few weeks to get in the habit of running: Expensive things! I want the Garmin Forerunner 220. I WANT IT NOW! But I’m making myself wait until I am running consistently, which for me is 3 times a week. And I have to do it for 6 weeks so hopefully it will become a non-negotiable at that point. That is why that has been one of my goals every week so far.

Speaking of which, here's an update on my goals from last week...

1. Run 3 times per week - nailed it! I didn't even half ass it this time. Woohoo!

2. Research cross training - nope. Didn't do it.

3. Join a gym - done! Samantha and I were going to do the Pi-K Group Run on Tuesday but it was hot so we went to her gym instead and I liked it so much I got a membership that very day!

And my goals for next week:

1. Continue to run 3 times/week - 3 weeks down, 3 weeks to go.

2. Run solo – I'm going to be running races alone for the most part so I won’t have Shelila or Samantha there to pace me so I need to get used to the solitude and regulate myself a little better.

And another motivating factor: my run fund has continued and my total is now $38. So yay!

Happy Haunted 5k – 138 days | Wine and Dine Half Marathon – 173 days | Avengers Half Marathon – 181 days | Walt Disney World Half Marathon – 236 days | Disney Princess Half Marathon – 279 days


  1. Awww I love that rhino motivational picture - so cute!

    Great job this week Sarah!!

  2. Yeah, I'm thinking about printing out that picture and putting it on my desk at work! So perfect!
