Sunday, May 11, 2014

Week in Review

This week was kind of tedious. The excitement of Expedition Everest was behind me and I'm looking at a long summer without any races to look forward to. Just long training runs in the heat of the Florida summer. I've also been trying to find a 10k somewhere somewhat local so I can get a time for Wine and Dine but it's not going so well because it's Florida in summertime and no one wants to run a 10k in Florida in summertime. 

So this week was a struggle. I had a hard time just getting myself out the door and my weekly activity shows it.

Sunday - Scavenger Hunt portion of Expedition Everest, about 2 miles. Also walked Downtown Disney with Lackey for about an hour.

Monday - Rest day

Tuesday - Rest day

Wednesday - Rest day
Thursday - 1 mile solo run

Friday - Unplanned rest day (I was planning on running but Pattserella made beer bread, what's a girl to do!?)

Saturday - 1 mile solo run

Total mileage: 4 miles

I'm counting the tail end of Expedition Everest as a Sunday run. I was also supposed to go to the Pi-K Group Run on Tuesday with Samantha but I went to visit my grandmother instead. 

Saturday was actually a surprise run! It was on my schedule but since we celebrated mother's day that day I figured it would fall through the cracks. But I was sitting in my room at 8 pm and the inspiration struck. I probably would have gone farther but I was wearing new running pants that are a bit too slippery so they kept slipping down my butt and no one wants to see that so I just headed home. Next time I'll wear my normal pants. Lesson learned. 

Would you pass up a run for beer bread? Cause it's delicious. 


  1. Great job this week! I didn't realize you were training for Wine & Dine. I will be there too! Hubs and I are doing the 5K and half!!

    I have never had beer bread before so couldn't say if I'd skip a run for it. I bet I would run to it though lol!! :0)

  2. Yay! Now I know someone else who's doing Wine and Dine! And beer bread is definitely worth it when Pattserella makes it. I can never get it quite right so I occasionally have to guilt her into making it lol!
